Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sample Government Resume

This sample government resume will give you a quickstart on building an effective and optimized resume for your job application. Visitors can feel free to customize and edit our sample government resume as per their requirement for job application. We hope that our sample government resume will go a long way in portraying your abilities and skillsets efficiently.

1234, West 67 Street,
Carlisle, MA 01741,
(123)-456 7890.

XYZ University, Hopedale, NY
Candidate for Bachelor of Arts, May 2000
Major: Government 3.83 GPA Minor: Business 3.87 GPA

The Williams School, New London, CT
High School Degree, June 1995

Merrill Lynch And Co. Inc., New Haven CT, Summer 1999
Completed a rigorous internship working closely with retail and institutional brokers examining US markets and industries. Researched and analyzed equities, derivatives, and bonds utilizing Merrill Lynch computer systems.
Hartford Superior Court, Hartford CT, Summer 1998
Conducted in-depth project studying daily flow within the courthouse including data collection and analysis utilizing Microsoft Excel. Participated in data correction and filing in both criminal and civil case flow offices.
Social Integrity Board Chairman, XYZ University, Fall 1999 – Present
Appointed by Student Government Association Executive Committee and confirmed by Student Senate as member of Social Integrity Board. Adjudicate and sanction students in violation of the XXX Student Codes of Conduct. Lead board members in delivering opinions and sanctions to students in hearings and written form. Conduct cases in close collaboration with Head of Residential Life and examine XXX's social policies and honor code.
Student Speakers Bureau Member, XYZ University, Fall 1998 – Present
Allocate funds to various organizations throughout the XXX community to bring speakers to campus.
  • Microsoft Office 2000
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Access
  • PowerPoint
  • WordPerfect
  • Lotus 1-2-3
  • I.E. 4.0 and Netscape 4.6
  • Adobe PhotoShop 5.0
  • HTML/Web Publishing


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