This sample graphic designer resume will give you a quickstart on building an effective and optimized resume for your job application. Visitors can feel free to customize and edit our sample graphic designer resume as per their requirement for job application. We hope that our sample graphic designer resume will go a long way in portraying your abilities and skillsets efficiently.
Richard Anderson
1234, West 67 Street,
Carlisle, MA 01741,
(123)-456 7890.
1234, West 67 Street,
Carlisle, MA 01741,
(123)-456 7890.
OBJECTIVE A position as a senior graphic artist that utilizes my sharp skills in desktop publishing.
- Five years of extensive experience in graphic design and desktop publishing.
- Certificate in Computer Graphics and Graphic Design from University of California, Los Angeles.
- Demonstrated ability to produce a wide variety of graphic products including newsletters, business cards, letter heads as well as different training materials.
- Proficient on Macintosh, experience with PageMaker and Ventura Publishing.
- Creative, strong communication skills and consistently meet deadlines.
Graphic Design
- Created design for advertising curriculum of human resource training department that was sent to 1,050 company employees.
- Developed format for notebook materials, handouts and manuals for 20 different courses.
- Designed departmental newsletter, which had a circulation of about 500 managers and supervisors.
Desktop Publishing
- Created documents on both Macintosh and IBM systems; utilized scanner.
- Utilized WordPerfect 6.0 and Ventura Publishing programs.
- Created a corporate logo package that included brochures and letterheads.
Customer Communication
- Interviewed training in house staff to determine the desired appearance for training materials.
- Problem-solved to effectively meet deadlines. Have met all deadlines on time till date.
- Suggested alternative presentations of ideas and visual concepts, to the optimum satisfaction of customers.
- Certificate in Computer Graphics and Graphic Design / University of California at Los Angeles / 1994
M.A. in Speech Communication / University of Southern Carolina / Los Angeles, CA / 1983
B.A. in Communication / State University of New York /Bufallo, New York/1981
- Senior Trainer / Houston Medical Center / Los Angeles, CA / 4/90 to present
Director of Training / Human Hope Systems, Inc. / La Habra, CA / 9/87 to 4/90
Management Trainer / Wales Department Store / Los Angeles, CA / 9/81 to 9/87
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