Sunday, March 18, 2012

Zoning Enforcement Inspector Resume

This sample zoning enforcement inspector resume serves as an important step in your interview preparation. Sample zoning enforcement inspector resume focuses on your skills and accomplishments and abilities. This zoning enforcement inspector resume example allows you to establish contact with an employer. Here in this zoning enforcement inspector resume example we have used fictional name and address so you can get an idea to create your own resume for the post of zoning enforcement inspector.

Roderick White,
1234 Cobblestone Drive,
Pinellas Park, Florida 33000,
Cell: 727-555-5556
Career Objective:
To obtain a position as zoning enforcement inspector that can use my skills, and work experience of performing a variety of routine and complex work in the interpretation and enforcement of adopted codes and related rules and regulations.

Summary of Qualifications:
  • Strong decisions making skills.
  • Knowledge of the provisions of the zoning ordinance.
  • Ability to communicate clearly and concisely.
  • Ability to properly conduct an investigation of alleged code violations.
  • Ability to effectively communicate with members of the board of supervisors.
  • Ability to train and monitor the work of others.
  • Ability to establish and maintain cooperative relationships with public officials.
  • Ability to read and interpret site and building plans, tax maps, zoning and land use maps.
Professional Experience:
Foster Ltd., St. Petersburg, FL (1993-1997)
Duties: Zoning Inspector
  • Performed a variety of specialized zoning and property maintenance inspections.
  • Provided advisory guidance to less experienced team members.
  • Collected data and prepared reports to select target areas for neighborhood volunteer programs in consultation with the board of supervisors.
  • Reviewed and approved sign permit applications.
  • Enforced the conditions and requirements associated with special permit and proffered rezoning.
  • Responsible for maintaining an up to date zoning text and map.
Thorne Corporation, St. Petersburg, FL, (1998-Present)
Duties: Zoning Enforcement Inspector
  • Responsible for the inspection, interpretation and enforcement of the municipality's planning and zoning ordinances.
  • Identified property maintenance code violations such as deteriorated property, unsafe conditions and overcrowding.
  • Responded to citizen's queries concerning zoning and property maintenance and other matters.
  • Assisted in the preparation and reviewed draft amendments to the zoning ordinance.
  • Kept records of applications and inspections and certificates granted.
  • Prepared written reports on violations of the zoning regulations.


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