Sunday, March 11, 2012

Construction Laborer Resume

A construction site has many critical job responsibilities, however the most root level execution part is carried out by a construction laborer. It involves a lot of physical work with duties such as lifting, pulling and pushing heavy objects. It involves some hazardous tasks such as handling electric tools, working with heavy materials, working at extreme heights, etc.
A construction laborer resume is expected to highlight list of qualities necessary for working in the adverse environment of a construction site. Also it should contain all the proficient skill sets.
You will get more clear idea about the above discussion by referring to the sample resume given below. 

Dan Foster
456, X Street, Y Avenue,
New York, NY-10004
(123) 456-7890
Career Objective : To seek the position of construction laborer
Summary of Qualifications:
  • Immense and outstanding work experience at diverse locations in NY
  • Vast exposure to the rigorous and clumsy environments at construction sites
  • Extra ordinary ability to handle heavy objects with ease
  • Profound knowledge of various construction materials and their usage
  • Significant command of driving heavy trucks and other vehicles used at construction sites
  • Great proficiency in handling hazardous tools such as stone cutter, crusher, concrete mixer, etc
  • Knowledge of different safety measures and preventions applied at construction sites
  • Excellent arithmetic aptitude and ability to calculate area, volume and other measurement units, proficiently
  • Great coordination with other laborers and good team spirit
  • Exceptional ability of handling tremendous work pressures and following exact deadlines
  • Ability to work at great heights or in deep trenches
Professional Experience:
ABC Constructions, Manhattan, NY (2003-Present)
  • Receiving instructions regarding the assigned task from the supervisor and understanding the exact nature and deadlines of that task
  • Contacting the concerned officials regarding the necessary materials and tools
  • Employing preprocessing steps at the exact location such as cleaning of land, gathering of materials, preparation of tools etc.
  • Accomplishing the tasks exactly as per the specifications
  • Servicing and repairing regularly the used tools and machineries
  • Assisting the construction workers with heavy tasks such as operating concrete mixing machine, operating heavy pulleys for relocation of huge cement blocks and pipes
  • Fixing common problems with the tools and machineries
  • Developing special techniques and methods for quick and efficient completion of job
Academic education:
  • Secondary school graduate from XYZ Public School, New York, NY (2003)
Personal Details:
  • Dateof Birth: XX / XX / 1986
  • Marital status: Single
  • Expected employment status: Full time
  • Ready to Relocate: Y / N
References: Will be available on request


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