A personal driver is usually employed by those who can't drive their own cars or otherwise are too busy to do so. The personal drivers can also be sent to perform some daily chores, as also some personal errands. He has to be available anytime when his employer calls him. The attributes required to become a good personal driver are punctuality, regularity, ability to work long hours, etc. This applicant, for whom this sample resume is written, shows every sign of being the perfect candidate for the advertised position. You can feel free to use this sample for your own job search.
Gerald Smith
734, Kernel St,
Portland, ME, 32665
734, Kernel St,
Portland, ME, 32665
Objective: Seeking for a position of personal driver where I can serve with better performance.
Skills possessed:
- Skilful driving, even in worst traffic conditions
- Long distance driving without much fatigue
- Punctual, great value of time
- Can drive equally well at night time too
Work Experience:
Metro Transport Inc, New York
Worked as Taxi Driver
Metro Transport Inc, New York
Worked as Taxi Driver
- Use communication through telephone, radio and computer to exchange and receive the request of passengers.
- Responsible for collecting fares from passengers.
- Responsible for maintaining vehicle by regulating tire pressure and adding oil, gas and water on daily basis
- Tests vehicle equipment including lights, horns, brakes and windshield wipers.
- Keep records of name, taxi identification, date information and trip information such as place of pick up-drop, time and fee for the trip.
- Responsible for pick up of some regular and particular customer in scheduled time.
- Provide information of local spots and hotels to customers.
- Done minor and argent repairing as needed.
- Responsible for keeping record of delays and accidents.
- Helped passengers with their baggage to enter and exit the vehicle.
Sky Travels, Boston
Worked as driver cum maintainer
Worked as driver cum maintainer
- Done very responsible duties such as supervising the traveling vehicles and maintaining their maintainability.
- Make sure that the drivers are putting on their professional uniforms and make sure about other things such as medical box with necessary medicines, strips and bandages are kept in the vehicle.
- Responsible for supervising about 50 vehicles including trucks, vans and cars.
- Done registration of vehicle's destination and permission to move on.
- Responsible for various other duties as assigned.
High School Diploma,
Phoenix High, Boston
Phoenix High, Boston
Professional Education:
Certificate course in Travel and Maintainability
Certificate course in Travel and Maintainability
License: Valid Class 3 License
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