Monday, March 5, 2012

Software Architect Resume

A software architect designs the structure of a computing system or a program. This includes designing software elements, the visible properties of these elements and the different relationships among them. A software architect should have a deep interest in computer systems and related technology to be able to select the right tools. He should also maintain, update and upgrade the system. A degree in computer science or related fields is necessary and, as always, experience is preferred. Software architects are recruited by software companies through campus and other types of placement and there are good opportunities for growth.

Ralph Walters
1098 Paradise Blvd. NW
Albuquerque, NM 87114
Telephone No: 505-897-1876
Email id:
  • Demonstrated skills in designing software architecture on Microsoft .NET framework and J2EE platform.
  • Wide experience in the life cycle development of enterprise software.
  • Experienced in managing operating systems (Unix, Sun Solaris and Windows) and RDBMS database servers.
  • Deep experience and knowledge of software design methodologies, information systems architecture, object oriented design, and software design patterns.
Professional Certifications
  • CISSP - Certified Information System Security Professional
  • SCEA - Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Technology
  • MCSD - Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (C#.NET)
  • OCP - Oracle Certified Database Administrator
Allied Healthcare Products, Inc., Avon Park, FL
9/2003 - Present
Software Architect
  • Documented standards, guideline, and strategic plans to develop .NET based software system.
  • Project lead for architecture and planning of a .NET production management system that was incorporated into internal J2EE PLM system and third party channel system (web services).
  • Provided guidelines, standards, and mentoring to WebSphere and WebLogic based application deployment and development architecture and integration strategy with accessible enterprise systems including Metaphase PLM, Siebel CRM, and JD Edward ERP.
  • Developed J2EE based software platform and helped in business process re-engineering from legacy system to distributed J2EE system.
The World Bank, Century, FL
2/2001 - 9/2003
Lead Architect and DBA
  • Designed web application architecture and enterprise object framework for a real time internet banking system.
  • Documented architecture design in UML using Used Rational Rose Enterprise.
  • Designed the combination of transaction process monitoring system (TPM) and internet banking system backend mainframe banking systems.
  • Designed oracle database for the transaction and backend data processing of the system.
RAND Corporation, Coral Springs, FL
5/1998 - 2/2001
Senior Software Engineer
  • Designed and implemented a PKI enterprise key management system that is based on internet.
  • Developed a web based application for internet secure document delivery and exchange.
  • As data center backend for high volume transactions designed the architecture of a large Oracle database.
Technical Skills
  • Microsoft .NET framework and J2EE technology
  • Software design methodologies: eXtreme Project (XP), Rational Unified Process (RUP), ISO9001, and Zachman Framework.
  • Architecture and UML design tools: Rational Rose, Structure Builder and Together Control Center.
  • C, Java, C++, EJB, PowerBuilder, JSP, SQL, XML
  • Database design tools: SDesigner, Oracle Designer, and ERWin, OLTP/OLAP, RDBMS Oracle and IBM DB2, and data warehousing.
  • Application server: IBM WebSphere, BEA WebLogic, and JBoss.
  • Web Services (SOAP): Apache AXIS, and .NET web services.
  • Enterprise system: SAP ERP, Oracle Financial, Metaphase PLM, Siebel CRM.
  • Security: PKCS, X.500/PKI, encryptions, SSL, firewall.
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
  • M.S. in MIS
  • B.S. in Engineering
Professional Activities
  • Member of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
  • Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • Founding Member of Worldwide Institute of Software Architects (WWISA)


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