A chiropractor is a medical practitioner who believes that all the diseases can be cured by restructuring the different parts of our body such as skeletons, nerves and muscles and in particular the spinal cord. They have a belief that any misalignment in the spinal cord leads to lowering the resistance of our body to various types of diseases; therefore this is the root cause of any bodily ailment and it can be cured by aligning the spinal cord properly. Of course, if the ailment is serious enough or it persists, they recommend mainstream medicines. This sample resume is really a nice way to write a resume, and one should emulate it.
Douglas Gray
3467, Clifton RD,
Lafayette, LA, 72385
(291) 894- 6982
3467, Clifton RD,
Lafayette, LA, 72385
(291) 894- 6982
Career Goal
To be a chiropractor in a clinic practicing chiropractic and hence help the patients who are suffering from chronic ailments.
Educational Background
- Achieved Doctor of Medicine Degree from the Massachusetts School of Medicine, Massachusetts in the year of 1992.
- Achieved Bachelor of Science Degree from the Southwestern University, Dallas at Pre-Medicine Studies in the year of 1986.
Professional Accreditation
- Achieved Professional Qualification as a cardiologist from the United States Association of Chiropractors in the year of 1993.
- Acquired Affiliation from the Chiropractor Society of Massachusetts, Massachusetts in the year of 1994.
- Achieved professional recognition fro the Greater Philadelphia Chiropractor Association, Philadelphia in the year of 1994.
- Obtained certification from the Sports Counsel of the United States Chiropractor Society in the year of 1995.
Professional Background
1994- Present date: Work as the associate of the Chiropractor Therapy Unit of Greater Philadelphia Chiropractor Association, Philadelphia with the following responsibilities
- Offer several spinal manipulations and switch essential muscular and skeletal requirements of sports wounded clients.
- Provide necessary pain alleviation therapies to the working wounded clients and elderly clients.
- Offer necessary assistance to the industrial accident wounded clients regarding strength and stamina enhancement procedure.
- Offer essential information for the insurance companies.
- Helped Third party billing proceedings as well as workmen's compensations by giving them important information.
Published Books or Articles
- Writer of the 'Correlations of Spinal Biomechanics and Childhood Asthma' article, published in the 'Spine' Volume 12 in the edition of 29th December, 2000.
- Writer of the popular article named 'Future Consequences of Calcium on Geriatric Osteoporosis Clients' which was published in the United States Association of Chiropractors Journal Volume 20, dated 10th September, 1998.
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