Thursday, March 29, 2012

Equity Trader Resume

An equity trader is professional expert who takes care of all dealings (buying / selling) of the market securities, for people who need expert advice on their investment portfolio. Equity trading is a really thrilling job and a huge responsibility at the same time.
The trader must have total knowledge about common asset formulation methods and strategies to choose the best investment plans. Equity trader jobs also expect the person to have thorough knowledge of government rules and policies regarding the stock market investments
Now refer to the below provided Sample resume. 

Luis Watson
456, X Street, Y Avenue,
Columbus, OH-43210
(123) 456-7890

Objective : Achieving highly dynamic and highly advancement paced career as an equity trader at an investment firm / organization which has absolute professional work environment and plenty of career move ahead opportunities
Summary of Qualifications:
  • Massive professional experience in equity trading with dealing for thousands of eminent clients
  • Crystal clear knowledge of the equity market and related documentations and formalities
  • Solid theoretical base of business management and enough exposure to the real-time organizational activities
  • Extra ordinary hand at the computer aided tools and the web platform
  • Outstanding command at and fluency in communication and comprehension
  • Uncommon work energy and work enthusiasm
  • Great ability to handle gigantic work pressures and vast mental stresses
Professional Experience:
Lagrange Investment Consultation Firm, Cincinnati, OH (2005-Present)
Equity Trader
  • Revising the investment history of the client individual / organization and learning the scope of possible risks
  • Maintaining an independent and secure record of the clients and monitoring consistently the progress of their investment securities
  • Providing periodic feedbacks to clients about their assets status and assisting them with expertise advise
  • Accomplishing selling / buying of securities as confirmed by the clients
ABC Stock Broker, Columbus, OH (2005-Present)
Assistant Trader
  • Studied and sorted the received client data as guided by the instructor trader
  • Monitored online the current market values of all stocks (midcap, smallcap and microcap)
  • Monitored online news of the most recent government policies of various sectors and discussed with the instructor trader regarding the possible raise / drop of top stocks
  • Studied the past investment decision by the instructor trader and sought his / her assistance for decisions in the current cases
Academic education:
  • Bachelor of Business Management from Ohio state university, OH (2000)
  • Master of Business Management with specialization in Finance, from Ohio state university, OH (2002)
Extra Curricular:
  • Undergone specialized training of stock broking followed successful cracking of the General Securities Registered Representative Examination
Personal Details:
  • Date of Birth: XX / XX / 1982
  • Marital status: Single
  • Expected employment status: Full time
  • Ready to Relocate: Y / N


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